
Seminar "Formation of adequate ideas about family and marriage ...", 2019

On April 26, the seminar “Forming adequate ideas about family and marriage and a positive image of the family in a person’s life, readiness to create their own family, and assisting in the formation of a responsible attitude to parenting, raising, educating and supporting their children” was held at the Sunflower Parent Center.

Behind a long formal title there were many lively and relevant issues:
- How to understand when a family of graduates of an orphanage needs help?
- How to see in a timely manner that the well-being of the child is at stake?
- What are the features of parenthood for graduates of orphanages?

At the seminar, specialists were able to better understand the characteristics and deficiencies of parents with orphaned experience, to work with the risk factor "well-being of the child in the family of graduates of orphanages."

Thanks to all participants for their involvement and active work!