In the Territory of Joy program this year there began work the "OPEN AREA".
The open area is occupations for all foster homes which already cooperate from the Parental center (attends trainings, individual consultations) and which finished the three-year program.
The open area is parallel meetings for teenagers and their parents. Communication with peers plays an important role in social and intellectual development of the adopted child. Many children who grew up in orphanage seldom think of what is "relations" and "friendship". Most often, teenagers are forced to adapt to group, they are deprived of an opportunity to build relationship with other children as they wish.
The child in a foster home, gets unique experience of family communication and acquires the right to independently choose to himself friends not from family. However he still experiences difficulties in forming of the relations with others as he has no such skill. The purpose of our occupations for teenagers - to create initiative, activity and independence in the course of communication with other people. Children learn to practice communicative skills and in a safe and confidential situation to share difficulties and to find joint solutions.