On the eve of the birthday of A.S. Pushkin’s families from the program “My Child’s World” made a cultural trip to the Pushkin House. The curator of the event was the artist and friend of the Parent Center Andrei Mayevsky. At first, adults and children got acquainted with the exposition of young artists dedicated to the great Russian poet, and joyfully recognized the plots from their favorite tales that were viewed in the paintings. And then they themselves painted different fairy-tale characters.
At the end of the meeting, cartoon and treats awaited everyone. See you soon!
On April 27, participants in the Sunflower program "The World of My Child" visited the Exhibition Center of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.
Adults and children watched the paintings of modern young artists, and also became the authors of one grand masterpiece! And this is wonderful, because co-creation helps children and parents to get to know each other better.
Parents did not hide the joy and pleasure of creativity, sincerely admired the process and the creations of their kids.
We are pleased that many took the opportunity not only to enjoy communication with the beautiful, but also to become part of it!
On March 30, families from the program "my child's World" took part in a wonderful excursion to one of the most interesting sights of St. Petersburg, the Sheremetev Palace -Museum of music. Parents and children listened with admiration to the history of musical instruments, enthusiastically checked the sound of each of them and in the end created their own improvised musical group "Shurum-Burum".
In March, the participants of the program "World of my child" made a cultural outing in the Russian Museum to to learn more about folk decorative art.
Russian folk art: the architecture of the Russian village, costumes, toys and wooden sculptures were studied with great pleasure and attention by children and adults.
In January mothers with children from our program "World of My Child" visited Hat salon and a workshop of the famous St. Petersburg hat master, member of the union of designers Marina Sedova.
In the creative atmosphere all participants made to themselves author's hats.

Dear friends! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
We wish you many Happiness, health, harmony and confidence in own forces! We thank you and we wait for you in New 2019!
On December 22 participants of the World of My Child program amicably and cheerfully met the coming 2019.
Tried the Thai fried ice cream, beautiful and bright kids and adults congratulated each other on the coming holiday and were photographed for memory.
Then our company was visited by the real Father Frost (Santa Claus) who lit fires on a New Year tree, the round dance around a fir-tree moved, and later with pleasure looked at performances of Snow Maidens which were mothers of children. Children pleased Father Frost with New Year's verses and songs and received long-awaited presents.
At the end of November together with charitable shop "Lepta" we organized a New Year's Eve photoshoot.
Mummies and children from the "World of My Child" project could relax, try on different new images and dizzy dresses.
We thank our partners Lepta and a photographic studio of "Bird" for the remarkable project.
On November 17, 2018 families with children within "the World of My Child" program with great pleasure visited Zoological Museum. Collections of the museum it is incredibly rich and extensive. The exposition of a constant exhibition is represented by more than 30 thousand exhibits, here are presented all of Earth fauna.
It was interesting to learn more about the world surrounding us to both children, and adults.
In October, 2018 families with children from the program "World of My Child" with great pleasure went to National library on the "Visa to Corn" exhibition. At an exhibition we learned a lot of interesting about modern plants, about development of agriculture in the different people and what cereals appeared on the earth the first.
On September 30, 2017 families with children from "The World of my Child" programm attended "The Future Is Near" exhibition.
Thanks to this cultural action we looked at pictures, studied different art-objects, saw the city of the future in 3D through special glasses, looked at the models of the cities created by different authors, and also dreamed up and drew.
On September 22, 2018 families – participants of the "World of My Child" program made an excursion in St. Isaac's Cathedral.
In August, 2018 families with children up to 7 years from the "World of My Child" program lived to the family camp.
Parents in these families are the former graduates of orphanages.
In March, 2018 in the Parental center "Podsolnukh" there took place consultation with the financial expert.
All participants of the "World of My Child" program asked the expert questions about effective distribution of finance.
In March and April, 2018 we organized 2 excursions for participants of the "World of My Child" program.
In March we visited the memorial estate "Penates" of the great artist Ilya Repin. The program included an excursion, children's creativity and walks at the Finnish Bay. For many children it was the first acquaintance to the museum and the artist.
Later, in April - with great pleasure we visited the St. Petersburg state museum of theatrical and musical art where looked with unique collection of the exhibits connected with the world music.
In January, 2018 participants of the "World of My Child" program visited opening of an exhibition of the wonderful theatrical artist, national artist Sevastyanov Ivan Vasilyevich.
And in February we were at an excursion to an exhibition of young artists in the children's center of the Russian Museum. Souvenirs which were created there by children, will long remind of winter St. Petersburg.
On December 25, 2017 in the Parental center "Podsolnukh" took place a traditional meeting of New year for all participants of the World of My Child program. This year parents prepared the amusing program, children presented musical and creative performances. The show program of "magician" with dry ice became a final point of evening.Children and adults were very happy!
In October, 2017 families with children "The world of my child" went to an exhibition "Children of the country of Councils" which passed in Marble Palace, in November - made a cultural visit of Hermitage. The program included visit of expositions, viewing of the historical pictures "Revolution" and "Richness of fabrics" and also free creativity.